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String exercises#


Previously, we saw that we could split the variable string = "myfile.tif" at the . character.

What would the output be if we changed the code to split the string at the character i instead of the .?


There are tons of useful functions to manipulate strings. Can you tell what the following functions do?

Useful string functions
my_string = "This is a very long string with a lot of information in there";


substring(my_string, 10, 26);
indexOf(my_string, "lot of information");
startsWith(my_string, "This");
endsWith(my_string, "that.");

Play with them and picture what they can be useful for. 🤔

In the above section, Why do some of the operations return 0 or 1?

Answer: In computer programming, a value of 1 is often used to signify True and a value of 0 to signify False. In these cases, the computer is just telling us whether the question we asked it is True or False.


Write code to remove the numeric value from the string my_new_8463_file.tif.

Can you do it without hard-coding the number 8463 and its position in the string?

Hint: the final value should look like my_new_file.tif, you can split the strings as previously shown and join them together using the + operator.