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Working with the ROI manager#

The ROI manager contains an array of ROIs. Right now you should have three, in the order in which they were added (in our code, we added the nuclei first, then the non-nuclei, and then finally the bax -- your order might be different!)

Let's leave behind our script and play with the ROI manager for a bit. We will integrate this back into our code soon. 🕰

To select an entry in the ROI manager, we use the following command:

Selecting ROIs in the ROI manager
    roiManager("Select", index);

Here, index refers to the position in the ROI manager array.

Write code to sequentially select each ROI in the list. Hint: You can do this by writing three lines of code, or if you would like an extra challenge, use a for loop!
Looping through the ROI manager
//three lines
roiManager("Select", 0);
roiManager("Select", 1);
roiManager("Select", 2);

//using a for loop;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
    roiManager("Select", i); //(1)!
  1. In our loop here, we have hard-coded the length of the roi list (3). Why is this bad? How could we fix it? Look at the documentation for the ROI manager and see if you can find a function to find out how many entries are in the array.

Now that we can loop through our ROIs, let's rename them.

Find the command to rename ROIs in the ROI manager. Add this code to your code above (we will use the loop implementation from here on...) and rename all the ROIs. Remember the order they were added in!
Renaming ROIs in the ROI manager
    name_array = newArray("nuclei", "nuclei_inverted", "bax");

    for (i=0; i<roiManager("count"); i++) {
        roiManager("Select", i);
        roiManager("rename", name_array[i]);

Now we can select entries just using their names! Try RoiManager.selectByName("nuclei");. 🎉

Next, let's return to our task and build a macro that measures the area and intensity of the bax signal inside and outside the nucleus (using our fancy new ROI manager skills!) 🤓

Before we do, let's add the renaming code to our script
run("Split Channels");
run("Duplicate...", "title=nuclei_thresholded");
run("Auto Threshold", "method=Default white");
run("Duplicate...", "title=bax_thresholded");
run("Auto Threshold", "method=Default white");
run("Create Selection");
run("Make Inverse");
run("Create Selection");

name_array = newArray("nuclei", "nuclei_inverted", "bax");
for (i=0; i<roiManager("count"); i++) {
    roiManager("Select", i);
    roiManager("rename", name_array[i]);