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The ImageJ Macro language is very friendly: there is no need to specify what we want to store in a variable, we can just assign it a value.

number = 42; // (1)!

// But a variable can also represent text (aka "string")
// (2)!
message = "This is also a variable";

// Verify the value of a variable by printing to the console
  1. Never forget the semi-colon ";"!
  2. While we are here, this is how your add comments to your code!

Once you have defined a variable, you can simply do math with it.

Adding, multiplying variables
number = 15.6;

// Addition
number = number + 3;

// Multiplication
new_number = number * 3;

// Increment
counter = 0;
counter = counter + 1;
What does counter++ do?

That's right, it does exactly the same as counter = counter + 1

What happens when you use mathematical operations on strings?